Diese Bands haben bisher am „Deutschland Military Tattoo“ teilgenommen:
Deutschland Military Tattoo auf Schalke, 2013 und 2014:
The Band of the Blues and Royals
The Band and Bugles of the Rifles
The Royal British Legion Farnborough Corps of Drums
The Royal British Legion Youth Band Brentwood
“Euroband” Rotterdam
Fanfarekorps der Genie
Orchester Marshal Radecky
Brass- und Showband Alsfeld
Quirinus Band & Bugle Corps
Musikcorps Ufhausen
Iserlohner Stadtmusikanten
Bergkapelle der RAG Saar
Ruhrkohle Chor
Bergmannskapelle „Glück-auf“ Thomm
Bergmannskapelle Schmitzberg-Ampflwang
Werksorchester der dt. Steinkohle AG
Polizeimusikkorps Saarland
Musikcorps Großen-Linden
Bergkapelle Niederrhein
Rheinpreussen Orchester
Spielmannszug „Blau Weiß“ Essen-Heisingen
Pipers of the World
- London Scottish Regiment Pipes & Drums
- Dutch Pipes & Drums
- Police Pipe & Drums Maastricht
- Royal British Legion Netherlands Pipes & Drums
- Royal British Legion Minden Pipes & Drums
- Fulda Highlanders
- Great Glen Pipe Band
- Targe of Gordon
- Owltown Pipes & Drums
- Green Pipes
- 38th District Pipes & Drums
- McLeod Pipes & Drums
- The First Guards of St. Kilian Pipes & Drum Band
- 1st Revolution Pipes & Drums
- 56th District Pipe Band
- Red Hackle Pipe Band
- The Pipes and Drums Clangathering London
- The Luxembourg Pipe Band
- Rhine Area Pipes & Drums
- Weilerswist and District Pipe Band
- The Elain Walker Academy of Irish Dance
- Sergeant Major Garry Chilton
- Drummajor Display Team Billy Jordan
- Nicki Pfeifer
- Toto & Harry
- Böllerschützen Hesborn
- Motorrad-Staffel Polizei Hamburg
- Ronnie Bromhead
Loreley Tattoo seit 2011
The Band of the Royal Yeomanry
Royal British Legion Band & Corps of Drums Romford
The Romford Drum & Trumpet Corps
Drumfanfare Drumguard Delft
Orchester Marshal Radecky
Fanfarekorps der Genie
Musikcorps Bickenbach
Polizeimusikkorps Saarland
Musikcorps Großen-Linden
First Marines Tribute Band
Brass- und Showband Alsfeld
Quirinus Band & Bugle Corps
Fascinating Drums
Iserlohner Stadtmusikanten
Die Domstädter
Fanfarenkorps Grün-Weiß Spay
DRK Spielmanns- und Fanfarenzug Rückers
The Red Hot Chilli Pipers
Fanfara Bersagliere Guglielmo Colombo di Lecco
The Band and Bugles of the Rifles
Pipers of the World, bestehend aus:
- London Scottish Regiment Pipes & Drums
- The Nottinghamshire Police Pipes and Drums
- The Norwich Police Pipes and Drums
- The Pipes and Drums Grampian Corby
- The Seaforth Highlanders Pipes and Drums
- The Dutch Pipes & Drums
- Pipes & Drums Royal British Legion Minden
- Green Pipes & Drums
- 56th District Pipe Band
- The First Guards of St. Kilian e.V.
- Fulda Highlanders
- Maastricht Police Pipe Band
- Heidelberg District Pipe Band
- Mc Leod Pipes & Drums
- 1st Revolution Pipes & Drums
- The Luxemburg Pipes & Drums
- Rhine Area Pipes & Drums
- Ems Highlander Pipe & Drums
- Dudeldorf Lions Pipes & Drums
Sergeant Major Gary Chilton
Captain Bethan Waters
Bruce Guthro
McArthur Dancers
European Mainland Highland Dancers
Elaine Walker Academy of Irish Dances
Drummajor Display Team Billy Jordan
Niki Pfeifer
Allan MacDonald
Ronnie Bromhead
St. Barbara Böllerschützen Hesborn
Voluntarium civium romanorum, Kohorte XXVI
Deutschland Military Tattoo Frankfurt, Festhalle, seit 2016
Fanfarekorps der Genie
Showkorps WIK Oostende
Musikcorps Bickenbach
Musikcorps Großen-Linden
Fascinating Drums
The Red Hot Chilli Pipers
Musikcorps Ufhausen
Fanfara Bersagliere Guglielmo Colombo di Lecco
Spielmannszug Oberlichtenau
Bicycle Showband „Crescendo“
Pipers of the World:
- The Dutch Pipes & Drums
- 56th District Pipe Band
- 1st Revolution Pipes & Drums
- Heidelberg District Pipe Band
- Maastricht Police Pipe Band
- The Clan Pipers
- Dudeldorf Lions Pipes & Drums
European Mainland Highland Dancers
Captain Bethan Waters
Deutschland Military Tattoo Magdeburg, GETEC-Arena, seit 2017
Euroband Rotterdam
Musikcorps Großen Linden
Fanfarekorps der Genie
Royal British Legion Band and Corps of Drums Romford
Fascinating Drums
Pipers of the World:
1st Revolution Pipes & Drums
Black Kilt Berlin Pipes & Drums
Dudeldorf Lions Pipes & Drums
The Clan Pipers
Captain Bethan Waters
Ronnie Bromhead
European Mainland Highland Dancers